As a vendor/seller on Lowheads, I agree to the following terms and conditions:
Vendors will be charged 13% commission on sale price + shipping price from all orders through Lowheads.
Lowheads will only pay out orders with confirmed deliveries based on tracking information supplied by vendor.
As a vendor, I will be paid out every Sunday for any orders with confirmed delivery based on tracking information supplied by vendor. Vendor will be emailed an invoice every weekly payout from Lowheads.
Vendors will be charged $3 refund fee for any order that needs to be refunded. It is the responsibility of the vendor to keep their product and inventory levels up to date.
Vendors will be credited for a $15 chargeback fee for any chargeback related to their order. If the chargeback is lost, the vendor will be charged the full amount for the chargeback.
Vendors will supply tracking information for all orders.
Vendors are responsible for managing inventory in Lowheads. For all vendor-initiated refunds, vendor will be charged the transaction fee for the order.
Future Updates
All future updates to these terms & conditions (to be stated by Lowheads). All future updates will be kept track of in this section.
As a seller, I have the right to cancel my account at any time and for my products to be taken off the platform
Lowheads reserves the right to terminate any brand from selling through our platform if they are consistently violating the above responsibilities.
*Last updated 11/21/21
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